I love the way he says things...maybe its his accent or maybe its just his use of words. I'm not sure but in the end he speaks to my heart. This time he has caused me to ponder and consequently be grateful for the knowledge that I have at my fingertips about how to return HOME to a loving Savior. For me this thought process has lead to a healthy introspective examination of the idea that. So, now that I am here on earth how my journey is going? Am I on the right course? Am I becoming the person I was designed to be and wanted to become? Am I making choices that will help me to return to my Father in Heaven? He didn’t send me on this journey only to wander aimlessly on my own. He wants me to come home to Him!
I absolutely LOVE it in General Conference when an apostle of God or the prophet shares specifics about HOW to do something or WHERE to look to find answers. Uchtdorf's talk was just this kind of thing. He said that the Lord has given us a 'map' for this earthly journey. He told us the map is, and I quote,
"Now, where do you find this map?In the sacred scriptures.In the words of prophets and apostles.And through personal revelation from the Holy Ghost."
It is an obvious answer and yet I find that the simplest truths require repeated reminders.
He shares stories, experiences, and insights worth personally reading because I am not going to re-write it all but he did promise...
"It is also my promise and prayer that as you honor and
live true to the covenants, the principles,
and the values of the gospel of Jesus Christ,
at the end of your journey Heavenly Father will be there.
He will embrace you,
and you will know once and for all that you have made it home safely."
So today I pray, that tomorrow I might share this message with the Spirit present so that the truth of Uchtdorf's words are heard. I do so love the Savior and after this journey through mortality I can imagine nothing more sweet then being embraced by my Heavenly Father!