Within the first few hours of travel Claire began to throw up but we quickly learned that she should not read at all or color and that was the end of that problem. The second and only other misadventure was Samantha falling out of the van and nearly breaking her foot. Ike helped her hobble about much of the rest of the trip and her foot healed. Other than that we managed to remain illness and injury free! Good job girls!!!
At long last we did make it to our new home...Queen Creek, AZ. In Kansas the kids decorated the van and it was quite entertaining and a bit fun to drive such a van for the rest of the trip. Within the first 36 hours of our arrival 10-12 of our LDS neighbors had come to welcome us to the neighborhood and ward. We were given 2 loaves of homemade bread, dinner, 3 dozen cookies, and zuchinni bread. It was wonderful to see the kids faces each time someone came by and to watch as the awareness sunk in that they were indeed not going to be the only members in their school. This has been a good move for our family just hard because of those that we love and left behind...