Sunday, May 9, 2010

"Indoor Wrestling!"--Happy Mother's Day

I cannot count the number of times I have told Nate to stop the play 'wrestling', goofy horse play, or the running today we have proof of why it might not be the best of ideas. Nate and Brigham were running and playing and Brigham fell face first on the kitchen floor slicing the inside of his mouth in two places--one cut is about 1/2 inch long and went all the way through his skin.
Only one stitch (thank goodness!)--these photos are hours old and it all looks much better than at the moment of injury. Now after everyone (all the kids) mopped A LOT of Brighams's blood off the kitchen floor the general mood in our home has become much more subdued by the mere idea of someone they love getting hurt. The trip to the emergency room was fast and we are now feasting on a diet of posicles this Happy Mother's Day.

Miss you Dave